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Updated: 12/31/02

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"The Feline Mystique"
by Clea Simon



Tuesday, 31 December, 2002

I had some help from Eva and Jon today and we managed to move from yesterday's topic of Raelism through the Chinese Zodiac signs to party entrance timing. Here's the brief summary:

Per the Raelian website, Rael was conceived on December 25, 1944 and born September 30, 1945.

That makes him a Libra, and born in the Chinese Year of the Dog.

The Year of the Rabbit totally rules and all the other animals are jealous and have self-esteem issues as a result, although it is agreed that the Tiger has a much better fashion sense and is a social butterfly - so to speak.

There are twelve animals in the zodiac, and the Tiger and the Rabbit were numbers three and four in the order of things, which are acceptable in terms of party entrances, although the Tiger may be a bit too eager and look a bit like a suck-up.

[All this enlightenment in the span of about twenty minutes.]

The 72nd World Champion Liar Contest was judged in Burlington, Wisconsin recently. The winner was Sandi Weld, of Sorrento, Fla, who came up with the following:

"When I moved to Iron Mountain, Michigan, I brought my pet sheep. He grazed on the mineral rich grass. When it came time to shear it in the spring, I ended up with nine pounds of steel wool."

Personally, I think that some of my semi-loyal readers could do better.

[I sense a project for next year.]

So, New Year's Eve. It looks like the weather will hold off tonight for the fireworks on the river. I love having THE front row seats for the event - they float a barge out in the middle of the Delaware River right in front of the Pier, so the impressive display is literally over our heads.

Alas, the Weather Charlatans are predicting RAIN for tomorrow, quite probably while the Mummers are supposed to be strutting. Which is a shame since I'm SUCH a fan.

[Drunk men in bad drag. Definitely a star turn.]

Well, time for the light show. Happy New Year, everyone!

~ ~ ~

Quote du jour:

"New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights."

-- Hamilton Wright Mabie

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