Diddakoi Walt Whitman
Take me home...St Emilion  kay@diddakoi.com

Updated: 07/28/06

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Friday, 28 July, 2006

Say it ain't so, Floyd. Well, actually, you have said that. Floyd Landis, American winner of the Tour de France in one of the most amazing comeback stories ever - accused of "doping", of competing with the use of illegal substances. Testosterone levels too high. He claims he has never used performance enhancing drugs and now his TdF win and entire career rest on the outcome of a second test. Sadly, whether the new test says he is guilty or not, he will now always be suspect, just as Lance Armstrong was.

On the other hand, Barbaro is doing better, so at least one of our local boys is still a media darling.

[I think he's on a lot of controlled substances these days.]

Last weekend seems like it was both yesterday and a long time ago. We dashed to the airport Friday afternoon - Gary had a last minute case that kind of threw a monkey wrench into things - but we made it in time. After grabbing some lunch to take on the plane, we had an uneventful flight to Los Angeles.

We got a rental car - not the little Nissan that Gary had reserved but they gave us a bright red Mercedes instead. I didn't try it but Gary said it drove like a hog. We hit some traffic on the 110 freeway but eventually made it up to Burbank a little before 7:00.

As always, Pam and Ron were terrific hosts. Mom and Dad, Jeff, Lucia and Paul were there, as were Carol (Norm's daughter) and her husband Jim. Jen, Jim, Jacque and Zoe were all arriving around 10:00 p.m. from Seattle. We had a lovely lasagna dinner with caesar salad and chatted with everyone. We finally headed to the hotel around 9:45.

Up early the next morning. We watched a documentary about a middle school in Tennessee that started a holocaust project - collecting paper clips to symbolize the number of people killed in the Nazi death camps - that eventually turned into a huge community undertaking and a present-day museum. The documentary itself did a marvelous job of underscoring the deep feelings that the students and teachers hve about their project.

Children's Holocaust Museum

We met Mom and dad for breakfast and then went to the church for Mur's service. It was very nice, but HOT. Mary had made programs and included loads of pictures of Mur throughout her life. I know that Mom sent many of those. After the service we went back to Pam and Ron's and had a nice luncheon. We all sat around and talked - and I played lifeguard to Zoe in the pool until I nearly died of heatstroke - it was easily over 100 degrees in L.A. Later, Mark passed around tiny little shots of scotch to drink a toast to Aunt Mur - that was one of the most vile things I've ever tasted. Glen Goodyear, based on the taste - blech.

We headed back to the airport around 7:00 for our red-eye flight. No problems - in fact we were upgraded to First Class on the return. Once we landed in Philly around 6:00 a.m. we drove down to the shore to relax for the day. It was a busy but very satisfying weekend.

[I think Mur would have enjoyed it.]


[Only 7,193 more needed for our wine cellar wall.]

Quote du jour:

"All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy."

Scott Alexander

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