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Updated: 03/10/03

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Monday, 10 March, 2003

As you probably know, I find the whole PETA movement to be alternately twisted and incredibly amusing. For the current "twisted" side, thanks to Jon for alerting me to the latest travesty of PETA advertising, comparing eating animals to the Holocaust. I would add a link, but I find it too repulsive. Go ahead, imagine what you will. It's worse.

Instead, I will link to Meryl Yourish, who has set March 15th as "International Eat an Animal for PETA Day." She writes:

I've already received a letter from a child of Holocaust survivors who is, of course, extraordinarily offended. But here's the thing: PETA is known for this kind of outrageous publicity stunt—and that's what it is, an outrageous publicity stunt—and while I am also offended and outraged, there is absolutely nothing we can do that will make PETA change their ad campaign. I'm sure they knew exactly what they were doing, have a plan in mind, and, if they withdraw the campaign, will do it according to their deadlines and their decisions.

So let's make up our own outrageous publicity stunt. Let's designate Saturday, March 15th, as International Eat an Animal for PETA Day. Everybody set the date on your calendar, and either go out and enjoy a great steak, or cook one at home. Or cook up some chicken or fish or anything else that PETA wouldn't want you to eat. And let's let PETA know how their ad campaign has affected us.

I'm thinking a selection of satays would be nice - a little beef, a little chicken, a little shrimp. Something for everyone.

Last year I wrote about PETA's reaction to a fundraiser at Florida Southern College: Cow Bingo.

"PETA expressed its concerns in a letter to FSC President Thomas Reuschling in January, saying it can be emotionally devastating for an animal to be exposed to ridicule."

Well, here's a new game for them - Cow Concentration.(Via Dave Barry)

[Oh, the animality of it!]

But here is The Cows' Revenge.

OKLAHOMA CITY - Rep. Frank Lucas (news, bio, voting record) lost a tooth and got a small cut on his lip when he butted heads with a 250-pound heifer while putting an identification tag on the animal at his ranch, his spokesman said Monday.

Lucas underwent an emergency root canal Sunday after he was injured at his spread near Cheyenne in Oklahoma, spokesman Jim Luetkemeyer said.

"He was trying to tag the heifer and the heifer tagged him back," Luetkemeyer said.


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Quote du jour:

"Sacred cows make the best hamburger."

-- Abbie Hoffman (1936 - ____) US political activist

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