Diddakoi Walt Whitman
Take me home...St Emilion  kay@diddakoi.com

Updated: 06/13/06

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The Bleat
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Free The Grapes

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"The Fountainhead"
by Ayn Rand



Tuessday, 13 June, 2006

Cousin Ron has reminded me that it was ten years ago that he, Jeff and I went "pub-crawling" in London. What fun that was! We had dinner somewhere - Covent Gardens? - and then crawled around and drank copious amounts of lager and bitter. Whee!

Nothing of interest to report. Stabbing pains have been replaced by low aches, which, I suppose, is better. We went for a bike ride on Saturday and that seemed to make it worse on Sunday. Today is my first day off the meds, and so far so good. I am scheduled for my MRI tomorrow evening. The scheduler said the earliest she could do was in the evening and sounded apologetic about it. I said that I have to be there in the evening anyway, so it was perfect (Gary is on call).

Other than that - the yard *was* dug up, and is now covered over again, with new drainage pipes installed. I went out and spray painted the outline of the pond and the paths that I want - we'll see what they do.


[Only 7,204 more needed for our wine cellar wall.]

Quote du jour:

"Give my people plenty of beer, good beer and cheap beer, and you will have no revolution among them"

Queen Victoria

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